List of Candidates for June 13, 2023 Election

The filing period for candidates running for mayor and council expired on January 28, 2023.
The City Election will be Tuesday, June 13, 2023, for the election of
Three (3) Councilmembers for Ward 1
Three (3) Councilmembers for Ward 2
Drawing for Ballot Position is scheduled for April 4, 2023
In accordance with Section 6 of the City Charter, all members of Council and Mayor must be citizens of the United States, qualified voters, and bona fide residents of the City and over the age of 18 years. All members of Council representing a ward must be bona fide residents of the ward which they represent. The required residency must be maintained throughout the term of office. No member of Council or Mayor shall hold any other public office or position during their term of office. The withdrawal from candidacy deadline is March 21, 2023, and the drawing for ballot positions will be held on April 4, 2023.
Section 7 of the City Charter states "Every person who shall have resided within the territory of the City for 21 days next preceding an election held therein, and who is a qualified voter under the laws and Constitution of this State, and none other shall be entitled to vote at any election held within the City." The last day to register to vote for the election is May 23, 2023. You must register to vote in the County Clerk's Office at the Fayette County Courthouse.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Ronda Falk, City Clerk
100 Kelly Ave., Oak Hill, WV 25901
(304) 469-9541