Public Works

City of Oak Hill Streets

Better roads ahead........

City of Oak Hill Investing in Better Roads


The mission of the City of Oak Hill Street Department is to coordinate all aspects of the daily operations that will continue to provide residents and visitors with dependable and safe streets. 




Street Supervisor Charlie Pannell and his employees provides the maintenance of approximately 70 miles of city streets.  They are quick to respond and resolve problems efficiently.  


Duties include:

Street sweeping  -  This improves water quality by keeping debris and litter out of the gutters. 


Grass Maintenance - Selected Right-of-Ways, public roads, alleys, & sidewalks are kept free of overgrowth of grass, weeds, and garbage.      


Trees   - The City will prune or remove trees that are a hazard to the public.  Such as dead, diseased, low hanging limbs, or limbs downed by storms.


Snow Removal -City plows/treats major roads and residential streets. Salt is applied for ice control.
Schools and privately owned lots and roads are not maintained by city crews.


Storm Drain Maintenance - Their awareness of the streets infrastructure helps to provide support for stormwater drainage.  


Parks & Rail Trail Management -  Includes all the work necessary to keep the city parks  and rail trail area safe, clean, and operating efficiently to serve the needs of its visitors. 


Do you have a non-emergency problem?


Please  click here   to use our Citizen Problem Reporter (CPR)

to submit your problem directly to the city and keep track of its status.




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