Oak Hill Sanitary Board
Pay your sewer bill: Pay Your Bill Online
Automatic Recurring Payment Link: ACH Authorization Form
Sewer Application Link: Sewer Application
Please contact West Virginia American Water 1 800 685-8660 prior to submitting the online sewer application; they will be provide you an account number and premise number for your application.
Our staff is available by phone (304) 469-3186 if you have any billing questions. If you have a sewer emergency or urgent matter, please call 304 465-0907.
Paying Your Bill: Your bill is due and payable on or before the due date printed on the bill.
Payment Methods:
Mail - Send a check or money order in an envelope with the bottom portion of your bill. Do not send cash.
DropBox - For your convenience, we have a dropbox located beside the Sanitary Board door and across the street from the Sanitary Board. Place your payment stub and check or money order in a clearly marked envelope with your name and address on it.
Online - We accept credit card payments through our Web site link (Pay your bill online) above.
Over The Phone - Call (844) 738-4032 (See instructions below).
Sign Up For ACH Automatic Recurring Payment - See the authorization form below.
Bill Pay Services - service provided by your financial bank or credit union
We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and remain committed to anticipating and identifying needs and problems within our community.

You can now make an automated sewer payment by calling
(844) 738-4032.
You must have your account number ready when calling.
Please note: When making a payment you will need to add the correct number of zeros to the front of your account number to create a 10 digit number.
We gladly accept payments online. However, all deposits, reconnect and tap fees must be paid in the office. Sewer reconnects and disconnects for nonpayment of services is $100.00
Save Money, Save Paper, Save Time - Sign up for Ebills!
Sign up today for our new ebilling statement and receive an exact replica of your utility bill and all additional inserts. This is a safe, no touch bill delivery. All you have to do is follow the easy steps below.
- Just print the sign up for ebills insert below.
- Complete the requested information and return to us. The insert can can be mailed in with your monthly payment, or scanned and emailed to: vvaughn@oakhillwv.gov, or dropped off at our drop box. You may also give us a call at (304) 469-3186 to get started.