Hometown Hero's

City of Oak Hill's Hometown Heroes

Hometown Heroes

Remembered Now and Forever

We are once again taking applications for the Hometown Hero Banners.

  • Applications will be taken from February 1, 2025 through March 31, 2025.

The anticipated display period for this year will be Memorial Day through
Veterans Day. The banners will be hung without reserved location.

Banners are purchased at the cost of $125 each. The City will furnish the brackets to hang the banners with. Applications may be obtained by applying online at our website https://oakhillwv.gov or visiting City Hall

Please submit your application, photo and payment by the end date of March 31st.

Photos must be of good quality with reasonable resolution. The larger the photo the better it will come out on the banner, small photos are not easily enlarged to satisfaction.

For questions please contact our office at 304-469-9541.


Veteran Banner Application Form:  https://arcg.is/1arLCf0