The City of Oak Hill will receive sealed bids until 3 p.m. on August 8, 2022
for inspection, Asbestos abatement, and demolition of the structure located at Harris St. (Off Broadway Ave.)
Structure: Harris St. (Off Broadway) (Reference # 26)
Description: Lot 15 Harlem Hts.
District 9, Map 7, Parcel 240
Sealed proposals will be opened publicly at the Oak Hill City Council meeting on August 8, 2022, at or shortly after 5:30 p.m.
Each bidder must submit a WV contractor license, and liability insurance (minimum limit of $1,000,000.00). The Contractor will adhere to all local, state, and federal law and shall follow all State and Federal Asbestos and other hazardous waste regulations required for demolition, transportation, and disposal; abide by the Asbestos Abatement Licensing Rule as promulgated by the State of WV Div. of Health.
All bidders are required to submit an Intent-to-Bid form on or before August 2, 2022.
Instructions for bidders
First Step: Print and complete the intent-to-bid form below and email to on or before August 2, 2022. You will receive a confirmation of your intent to bid following your email submission.
On August 3, 2022, everyone that has presented an intent-to-bid form will receive a group email naming each bidder. Proposals that have not been submitted thru the intent-to-bid notification system will not be accepted.
Second Step: The City of Oak Hill will accept proposals with the required documentation from everyone named in the notification group email. These proposals must be received before 3 p.m. on August 8, 2022.
Mailing Address for Bids:
City of Oak Hill
ATTN: Bids
PO Box 1245
Oak Hill, WV 25901
Note: Remember the City of Oak Hill can't guarantee mail delivery before deadline. Please allow plenty of time for us to receive your sealed proposal. Submittals received after 3 p.m. on August 8, 2022 will be returned to bidder unopened.
Hand Delivery for Bids
City of Oak Hill
ATTN: Bids
100 Kelly Ave.
Oak Hill, WV 25901
Please review the provided instructions and documents carefully.
Feel free to contact us (304) 469-9541 with any questions you may have.