Reasonable Accommodation Policy
It is the policy of the City of Oak Hill, West Virginia (hereafter the City) to provide reasonable accommodations in the rules, policies, practices or services provided by the City when such accommodations may be necessary to afford a person or persons with a disability the equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.
Disability is defined as:

The term “physical or mental impairment” includes, but is not limited to, such diseases and conditions as orthopedic, visual, speech and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection, mental retardation, emotional illness, drug addiction (other than addiction caused by current, illegal use of a controlled substance) and alcoholism.
Written requests for accommodation are encouraged to ensure clarity and accuracy but are not required. Requests should be directed via mail or in person to the City of Oak Hill at 100 Kelly Avenue, PO Box 1245 Oak Hill, WV 25901 or by email to or by phone by calling 304-469-9541.